Step 1 of 4
Thank you for donating to Miracle Hill Ministries!
We appreciate you!
You can help us reduce our expenses by allowing us to decline some items that we cannot sell in our stores.
We cannot accept the following items for our stores
- Entertainment Centers and other furniture made of particle board
- Console TVs, Tube TVs or stereos
- Mattresses and Boxsprings
- Pianos or organs
- Built-in appliances, including dishwashers
- Gas appliances
- Child car-seats
- Baby cribs with a sliding side rail
- Building materials, including paint and carpet remnants
- Slate-top pool tables
- Combustible fuel in any tanks or containers
- Auto parts
- Safety helmets, including baseball, football, and cycling helmets
Step 1 of 4: What Items do you have to donate? (Check all that apply)